There's only a few full tracks in the game, but they're already incredibly catchy in their own right and provide the perfect atmosphere for a high-paced game like Daytona USA. In fact, most people probably remember the music in this game just because of its incredibly Engrish vocals, but Mitsuyoshi's voice adds some sort of strange charm to the soundtrack that makes it even better. Takenobu Mitsuyoshi sure is an interesting fellow not only did he compose the music to the game, he also provides the lyrics to each of the songs. The game is considered one of the most successful arcade games of all time, and still maintains its popularity today with the success of updated ports on the Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in 2009.

The game features the race car dubbed the Hornet, and allows a choice of three tracks to race on: a beginner, advanced and expert. Daytona USA (デイトナUSA) is a racing game released in arcades in 1994 by Sega and was the debut title for the Sega Model 2.